Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It’s A Wonderful Life

Do you ever have those days, where you stop and think…my life is wonderful? I am having one of those days…and have been having wonderful days ever since Mr. C. came home with a Memorial Day surprise for me, which had me thinking of all the wonderful memorial day’s we have had together since becoming a couple in 2007.



Were Engaged!



Taking the week off of work to decorate our first home.



Spending the weekend with my peeps (aka sisters) camping at Barakel, I love Barakel!



Spending the weekend at a friend’s wedding at the Navy Academy in Annapolis

and 2011…..(drumroll)

We are going to Buda Baby!

Budapest that is. Mr. C. is being sent there for work so this Memorial Day will feature night views of Buda castle, nice wine and walks around the city. I am so excited! Stay tuned for fabulous adventure photos and reviews of the best places later this June!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice way to look back! Wishing you both many more Memorial Days together!


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